"We do it right"

Lifting Solution Provider

From Concept to Completion

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A-Frame Crane Systems

If you’re looking for a lightweight lifting system that provides the additional benefit of portability then an A-Frame gantry cranes is the system for you.

We offer various capacities from 250 kilos to 10 tonne with widths and heights to suit your lifting requirements.

Fixed or mobile, supplied with or without a hoist unit – the choice is yours!

Designed and manufactured in accordance with:

  • BS EN 13001-1:2015 Cranes – General Design. General principles and requirements
  • BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 Eurocode 3
  • EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
  • LOLER:1998 (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
  • PUWER: 1998 (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations)